
Who are we?

We're all grown up, in years at least, but still gamers through and through. Video gaming became mainstream in the seventies and that is where many of us started off. Binatone, Space Invaders, Pac-Man, Atari, Asteroids, Donkey Kong are just a few of the names from our younger years and we continue to embrace the latest in technology and gaming. Sure our reactions may have slowed a little over the years, but that does not stop us competing on or offline, no need for a guide to computing for the over fifties for us, we were there when it started and never left, we are the Silver Gamers. 

What is it all about?

Well we write about gaming across several different platforms from iPhone to Playstation, discussing the games, how to play and whether they are any good or not. Obviously there will be regular rants about how good arcade games were in the old days, Centipede, Defender and 1942 spring to mind. Other articles will include any latest news that we come across, game guides and all the other related stuff about gaming that gets us excited.

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